Kitchen Witch-My Style

A couple of weeks ago, I may have mentioned that I was working on a new project. This one was even sorta crafty – and craft-related! You’ve no doubt heard of a kitchen witch – not the witch that does most of her work in the...

A Familiar’s Tale, Part II

Fudge continues his story (Prologue and Part I).   Familiars, like witches and wizards, have an affinity for one element. Mine is Earth and I am always assigned to Earth-affinity humans. Abou’s master was Water-affinity and did not know how...


I’m always curious about folk healing. First, because it was around (and mostly effective) long before science took over. Second, because it’s interesting to see both similarities and differences between cultures. It’s...

October is Here!

Forget the candy that gets passed out solely on 31st October. Witches do it right – fun crafts, recipes and giveaways throughout the entire month! So, go check out these folks: Red Wheel/Weiser Books is giving away books and a tote bag on...

Straining Herb-Infused Liquids

I was straining the latest batch of my hair rinse yesterday and had a “duh” moment. I usually strain any herb-infused liquid by balancing a mesh strainer over a measuring cup (or jar) and lining the strainer with a coffee filter...

Rearranging Social Media

My personal friends know but I thought I’d make it very public: I’m leaving Facebook. For quite some time, I’ve been first frustrated, then disgusted with Facebook thinking they’re god (or at the very least, my parents)...