So You’re Wiccan, huh?
You have no idea how tired I am of that question after people find out I am a witch. Then, when I answer, “no, I am what is generally referred to as a ‘traditional’ witch”, I usually get a blank stare. So, below is an...
You have no idea how tired I am of that question after people find out I am a witch. Then, when I answer, “no, I am what is generally referred to as a ‘traditional’ witch”, I usually get a blank stare. So, below is an...
Our cat, Nick, passed away this morning. I am now berating myself for not taking more photographs. This is one of him and his brother, Ivan, taken when they were kittens nearly 9 years ago. Nick is on the right. I’ve lit a candle for you...
I forget which channel, but one of ’em was running The Wizard of Oz this weekend. That got me to thinking about the witches I liked in films and books versus the ones I found rather cheesy. Bear in mind, I have never seen Buffy, Charmed...
Things have been entirely too crazy around here! First, I caught that friend’s cold but good. It put me down again for several days. Apparently, I’m still not quite up to snuff on my immune system. Gotta work on that. Then, I spent...
I had to avoid a friend during my weekly trip to Atlanta on Tuesday … he had either an awful cold or a strain of the flu that this year’s vaccine doesn’t cover. Either way, he was in bad shape and, although I’m paying...
I decided to take today off and gnaw down part of my ‘to read’ pile. (I swear it’s a living thing, growing ever taller!) I just finished the most delightful little book. Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln’s Mother...
I’m leaving tomorrow to work a fair in Cincinnati this weekend. Sitting at my desk, I’m trying to remember all the things I need to take with me (one of the reasons I always pack the car up the day before – there’s always...
November 8-14 is World Kindness Week. The phrase, “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” may have been coined by a peace activist in the early 80’s but whoever and whenever, it’s a great...
In looking at a holiday calendar to get an idea of what to write today, I noticed a couple of things: for one, November is “National Diabetic Eye Disease Month”. Today is also “Common Sense Day”. Wow. Can I put ’em...
When doing my grocery shopping the other day, I noticed all sorts of moms with their little ones, picking out the “perfect” pumpkin to carve. (Some of the kids were rather small … I hope Mom or Dad is wielding the knife.) I know...
For those of you who don’t know me personally, I am a bibliophile. That means I love books. Despite all the information available electronically these days, I much prefer a bound paper book to a keyboard & mouse – or an electronic...
Nearly hidden among the variety of apples available at the grocer’s this time of year, one can still find a bag or two of oranges. Orange juice fills a case or two in the dairy aisle and a glass of orange juice at breakfast (or combined...
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