Catching Up
It’s been a (long) while since I’ve posted anything here. Quite frankly, I haven’t had a lot to say but thought I should at least let you know I’m still alive. Apart from the clickety-punch (which is never-ending)...
It’s been a (long) while since I’ve posted anything here. Quite frankly, I haven’t had a lot to say but thought I should at least let you know I’m still alive. Apart from the clickety-punch (which is never-ending)...
No, I haven’t changed my personality. 😉 As background, for years I’ve worn several things on a necklace – always under my shirt. (I have conservative clients. They wouldn’t understand.) However, my thoughts on some things...
When the publication of this book was announced, I got excited. Yet another book to add to my collection on poisonous plants! In addition, Ms. Draco is a respected author in the occult world. Once through this small book (a whopping 96 pages), I...
As I said last week, it’s taken me a while to process my visit to Tulum. I’m not certain I’ve still fully grasped everything, but here goes… (Note: most of what I’m saying here is from our tour guide who, in addition...
Yes, it’s been a while. Not much has been happening in my world, unless you count my (hopefully) learning how to read the Herbal Tarot and starting the research for a new book. We did, however, go on vacation last week, taking our...
If you’ve been following along, you know that the Winter Solstice is my New Year. Naturally, I celebrate the calendar along with everyone else, but the Solstice is when I do all my yearly thinking and planning. I also do a full rune cast to...
On This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for: Â My health, for without that, nothing is enjoyable The fact that our house and trees have not burnt down in a wildfire (but my heart hurts for those that have) The fact that even in this drought...
I’m on edge. It’s no surprise but still… In case you haven’t been paying a whit of attention to the news, there are wildfires throughout the Southeastern United States. It’s no wonder…rain has been scarce and...
I normally have mild spring and fall allergies, fall being just a little worse. A little sniffing, a little sneezing, a little itchy eyes for a week or so, and I’m back to normal. I don’t even consider them bad enough to take...
I’ve been contemplating this adjective for a while. Merriam-Webster defines a dinosaur as, “(2) someone or something that is no longer useful or current : an obsolete or out-of-date person or thing”. I feel out-of-date...
Doesn’t this look inviting? Here in the Southeastern US, we’re still sweltering. Usually by this time (second week in September) we’ve cooled off a little but the forecast isn’t looking good. I decided I’d try to...
This post is worlds away from my normal musings but it’s something that’s been bugging me a lot and I need to get it off my chest. For the first time in nearly twenty years, I am no longer very involved in the sport of fencing. I...
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