Solstice Thoughts

Like many, the Winter Solstice is my New Year. (That’s not to say I don’t celebrate January first!) As a person who needs light, I embrace the return of the Sun like a parched person welcomes a sip of water. I do a lot of thinking at...

Cover Reveal!

Phew! After many trials and tribulations, A Green Witch’s Cupboard is nearing completion! Here’s the cover: Do you love it as much as I do? If everything goes as planned (cough) it should be available in paperback and e-book by the...

OMG- Fleas!

I can’t believe it. All four cats are indoor cats (their only “outside” is the deck, which has no egress), yet we got fleas. Obviously, they came in with the humans – or maybe that bat Maks caught about a month ago…...

Today in the Garden

Got out today for the first time in almost 2 weeks. It rained, then I sprained a toe, then it rained… I’d like to say I was playing in the dirt but in reality, kids and I could have made some marvelous mud pies with the dirt in the...