…make no resolutions. I don’t believe in them. How many people say, “I’m going to go to the gym”, “I’m going to eat healthier”, ad nauseum, and then don’t follow through?
It seems to me that if something needs changing, addressing, or the like, once that issue is identified, it should be worked on immediately. Why wait for a specific day or year? No time like the present, eh?
My New Year came about ten days ago – I work on a solar calendar so the Winter Solstice is my New Year’s Eve and the day after, my new year. (Sorta. Depends on when during the day the Solstice happens.) That’s not to say I don’t celebrate tonight and tomorrow like everyone else. Why go against social custom? I get two for the price of one, so to speak.
The Winter Solstice is when I do my reflecting on the previous year and plan for the upcoming year. (If dates are involved, I’m stuck with the Gregorian calendar since that’s what everyone else uses.) I look at what happened versus my planning at the prior Winter Solstice and if something didn’t go right, what I can do to effect change. Then I think about what I’d like to accomplish in the coming year and plot that out. If you want to call that a resolution, go ahead.
I wished everyone Happy New Year ten days ago. Here’s your two-fer:
May 2015 be everything you wish it to be.