Baneful! Release Day!

OMG. I am so excited … and relieved. Baneful! 95 of the World’s Worst Herbs is finally out!

Baneful! Cover


It’s currently available in paperback through Amazon US and Amazon UK. In the next couple of weeks, it should be available to shop owners through Ingram distribution services.

Give it a day or so and it will also be available on Kindle, Nook and Kobo. (I’ll update the links when they’re live.)

If you want an autographed copy, my order should be here the last week of June. Check back to my Herb Books page as I’ll update that when I can ship.

This has been a year-and-a-half project. Celebrate with me!


Update: E-book links are live! Get it for your preferred reading device: Kindle, Nook or Kobo.


  • Peg Hurley Posted June 14, 2013 4:02 pm

    Yay !!!!!! I want an autographed copy if you please. I’m happy to stand in line behind the others on waiting for my copy. I’m so thrilled for you, I know it’s been such a long labor of love and research for you. It’s gonna be just as good or even better than your last Herb Books ! You can count on me to give a review on Amazon after I’ve read and devoured it !

    I raise my glass and toast to You and Your new Book ! We’ve been waiting at the edge of our seats for this !


    • DeborahJ Posted June 14, 2013 4:05 pm

      Aw, thanks, Peg. Yes, it HAS been a long labor of love. I JUST got notification that my order has already shipped so I’ll have some to autograph next week!

  • William Wallworth Posted June 14, 2013 5:57 pm

    Will be placing an order after this message.

    Another great book done, a toast of wine to you!

    Sincerely Bill

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