Looking at all the news stories of the snow on the eastern seaboard this last week reminds me how fortunate I am: I have a fifteen-second commute to work four days a week. I simply get up off the couch and march upstairs to the office in the loft. Of course, I can turn it the other way around, too. I don’t get any snow days!
Contrary to popular belief, I don’t work in my bathrobe. I do need the routine of “getting ready for work” to wake my brain up and start the heavy thinking of the day. However, tomorrow, February 12th, is National Bathrobe Day and I might just celebrate it by staying in my jammies and robe all day long. There’s something decadent about not getting “up and dressed”, even if one doesn’t simply lounge around but gets some work done, too.
I do get things done in the mornings while still in my robe. The plants get watered, the birds get their feeders refilled, I neaten the house, start a load of laundry … things like that. I also grab the laptop and catch up on the fora I belong to, Facebook, Twitter and all the blogs I follow. This eliminates some of the itch to spend all my time on the Internet instead of working when I get to the office computer. (Notice I said some, not all!)
One of my Facebook friends posted an interesting link this morning (thanks, Judika!). It’s a BBC article about Frankincense possibly being a cure for cancer. Once again, science is learning about herbs, which I think is great. The only problem I have is that the scientist who is conducting the studies is isolating all the chemical compounds in Frankincense essential oil and trying them one-by-one to see which is “the cure”. It may not have occurred to him that it’s the unique combination of all the compounds that is what is effective.
I mean, think about it. Using humans as an example, we’re all made up of the same stuff … not just the physical appearance of skin, muscle & bones but our DNA, too. The unique combination of all the components of a human being makes us individuals, not clones. Plants are the same. As stated in the article, boswellic acid is also found in sandalwood but that herb hasn’t been found to “hit the reset button” on cancer cell growth.
There are times (not many, I assure you) that I wish I was a scientist with loads of research funding behind me. Perhaps I could confound the scientific community by proving it’s not an individual chemical compound that is the healing property of a particular herb but the plant’s individuality that does the trick.
Or maybe I should just go put my bathrobe back on and quit thinking so much?