A (Very) Useful Weed

We cleared land and built our house. The first year here everything was so bare! But in the un-landscaped rubble rose several beautiful spires of MulleinVerbascum thapsus.  Mullein is generally found in very poor, disturbed and dry soil and can...

Ahhh, Lavender

I’ve been trying to ring my garden with Lavender … it’s one of the plants the local deer and bunnies don’t seem to like. I thought a full ring might keep the critters away from the other goodies and look rather pretty at...

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

“Oh, what a beautiful day.” Gordon MacRae’s voice from Oklahoma keeps running through my head. I woke this morning to bright sunshine, the twittering of birds and the chattering of squirrels.  As I was pouring my morning coffee...

Luscious Lips

Now that the weather is warming up and we’re all starting to wear a little less clothing, I know most are paying closer attention to their skin. Folks are tanning, moisturizing, exfoliating, the whole nine. But are you paying attention to...


When I moved from Minneapolis to Atlanta, my allergist told me I was going from the frying pan into the fire.  Atlanta lies at the very bottom of the Appalachians and all the pollen from the mountains blows down and just sits over the city as if...

Herbs & Kids

This past weekend Pete and I finally had a chance to meet my twin grandsons!  They’re already three months old but travelling 1100 miles isn’t the easiest thing to do these days. Needless to say, the visit was entirely too short. When...