Dangerous Advice
I am going to have one helluva eyestrain headache by the time I’m done but I can’t stay quiet. In the last week, since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the most egregious decision I can remember, I’ve seen no fewer...
I am going to have one helluva eyestrain headache by the time I’m done but I can’t stay quiet. In the last week, since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the most egregious decision I can remember, I’ve seen no fewer...
To select the proper herbs to use in a ritual of any kind, there are several questions you must ask yourself (and/or those you’re working with). I’ll start by saying intent is everything in magic and words, actions, or even thoughts can change...
I was really looking forward to this book. Anything related to herbs and folklore always makes me sit up and pay attention. For the most part, I liked it. The good stuff: She does a really good job of incorporating folklore and divination from a...
Are you like I was: have a difficult time falling asleep at night because you’re thinking about all the shit you didn’t get done today and/or need to do tomorrow/next week/next month? There’s a fix for that. You’ve...
This is an article I wrote for a now-defunct magazine almost ten years ago. I believe it still holds true. I live in the woods and frequently have city friends come to visit, to “connect with nature”. While getting out into the country, away...
I don’t know about you, but when I read a non-fiction book, I always check out the references and recommended reading section. I found this one listed in another book and am so glad I did! Ms. Rago takes us through a year of happenings...
When the publication of this book was announced, I got excited. Yet another book to add to my collection on poisonous plants! In addition, Ms. Draco is a respected author in the occult world. Once through this small book (a whopping 96 pages), I...
I normally have mild spring and fall allergies, fall being just a little worse. A little sniffing, a little sneezing, a little itchy eyes for a week or so, and I’m back to normal. I don’t even consider them bad enough to take...
Eureka! For years (my entire life, actually) I have been bug lunch. I tried everything – even the icky commercial repellents didn’t work. I’ve always known I have a weird physiology but to not have a single one work? I had...
A Green Witch’s Cupboard is LIVE! You can find it in paperback at Amazon US or Amazon UK. It will take a few days for it to reach other Amazon outlets and what they call “expanded distribution” (competitors). After looking at...
Phew! After many trials and tribulations, A Green Witch’s Cupboard is nearing completion! Here’s the cover: Do you love it as much as I do? If everything goes as planned (cough) it should be available in paperback and e-book by the...
I can’t believe it. All four cats are indoor cats (their only “outside” is the deck, which has no egress), yet we got fleas. Obviously, they came in with the humans – or maybe that bat Maks caught about a month ago…...
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