Interesting Things Found in Research

I’m in the beginning stages of research for my second book and, although I know I’ll never know everything about herbs, I came across an interesting snippet of contradictory information. It’s not that I’ve never seen contradictory information before but this one sort of struck me.

There’s a passage in a book on Stregheria (an old Italian religion incorporating witchcraft/magic into its practices) that says to consecrate a hag stone (a stone with the hole in the middle of it) to Diana, you should use rue and vervain. From an article on Wikipedia, vervain flowers are carved on cimaruta, which are anti-Stregheria charms.

The same thing can be said for rue. It, too, is an herb sacred to Diana (a goddess of the Stregheria religion), yet appears prominently on present-day cimaruta charms.

Both rue and vervain, aside from their association with Diana, are known as herbs of protection and can be used to “ward off evil”, to break hexes and curses, and for exorcism.

So did/do the people carving cimaruta charms understand they’re using a form of magic? Just another example of pagan practices being incorporated into Christianity, I guess!


  • Karen Posted August 20, 2009 7:53 pm

    This is my first visit and I am already a fan. I have enjoyed a few talks from a Stregheria practicianer. (btw I'm a really bad speller).

    The interesting thing about pagan history…or rather the documents on paganism since roman times…is that the misinformation comes from both pagan and non-pagans alike. While the Chistians are demonizing gentle pagan ideas, pagans are guilty of taking non-pagan concept or interpretations and using them as fact. For instance – Hulda a benevolent Goddess of house fras was demonised. The pagans later picked that up as fact and call her an Ancient Goddess of witches.

    I have greatly abbriviated my point…but the up shot is…I like to get to the basics; the elements. Build up my conrrespondenses from there.

    I rambling…but nice to meet you!

  • vikki Posted August 26, 2009 4:39 pm

    New book … ?? New book….?? Horray !!

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