I did a few of these four years ago, and am going to get back into the habit. I meet such interesting people online!
I first “met” Wendy through a mutual friend on Twitter perhaps a year or two ago (thanks, Laura!) and subsequently in a Witch Lit group on Facebook. Her books are “Witch Lit” par excellence. On to the questions she so kindly answered for me:
When did you start writing and what prompted you to do so?
I wrote my first poem when I was twelve years old, after visiting the Tutankhamun exhibition in London and there began my love of Egypt and all things Egyptian, and a love for writing things down after visits and events. I began my first novel, Hubble Bubble, after a two day writing course on characterisation. All 100k words are sitting under my bed, waiting for me to edit them into a decent novel.
You live in Wales (I can’t wait to visit some day!), which is a source of inspiration for many writers, pagan and non-. Does your location influence your writing?
You’d be most welcome! The Welsh landscape inspired me to write the Standing Stone book series when I’d been in Wales less than a year. There’s a Bronze Age settlement site on the hill next to our land which fascinated me, wondering who may have lived there in the past and who might live there in the future.
We’re lucky enough to live in a detached house now, with peace and quiet, no interruptions and the luxury of a riverbank where we’ve made a shelter of old pallets and silage plastic, where I can sit and look at the river as I write.
How does witchcraft help you in everyday life?
I live by the Wheel of the Year, eating the foods that are in season, keeping my physical body in shape. I respect Sabbats and Esbats which helps with both mental and physical health, being aware of the waxing and waning of the moon and respecting the natural flow of nature.
My craft helps me focus on aspects of my life that need attention, sometimes with tarot cards or a simple candle spell. Feeling part of the natural wheel, I’m inspired by my craft to create, dance, teach, heal and inspire.
Your “Wendy Woo Witch Lit” series has a strong female protagonist. (I love her independence!) Is she based on you?
No! There are bits of me in her, but Lizzie is her own person.
Two things about you not many know.
I write the majority of my first drafts with a fountain pen filled with black ink on foolscap writing pads.
I came to dance at the age of forty…and haven’t stop dancing since!
Finally, coffee or tea?
Either as long as they are decaf. Caffeine gives me a thumping head ache.
The first in the series, The Naked Witch is free on Amazon at the moment. Go, get it from Amazon US or Amazon UK.
Other ways to connect with Wendy:
Website: www.wendysteele.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WendyWooauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/destinyofangelsnovel/?fref=ts
Amazon author: http://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06/ref
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-steele-91257660/
Goodreads author:http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6548666.Wendy_Steele
All Author: https://allauthor.com/profile/wendywoo/
1 Comment
Thanks so much Deborah! Hope to meet you in Wales someday!
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